
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Discrimination Against Women Essay

The status of women in India has been subject to many great changes over the past few millennia. From equal status with men in ancient times through the low points of the medieval period,to the promotion of equal rights by many reformers, the history of women in India has been eventful. In modern India, women have adorned high offices in India including that of the President, Prime minister, Speaker of the Lok Sabha and Leader of the Opposition. As of 2011, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha and the Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha (Lower House of the parliament) both are women. However, women in India continue to face discrimination and other social challenges and are often victims of abuse and violent crimes and, according to a global poll conducted by Thomson Reuters, India is the â€Å"fourth most dangerous country† in the world for women, and the worst country for women among the G20 countries. History Ancient India Scholars believe that in ancient India, the women enjoyed equal status with men in all fields of life.[11] However, some others hold contrasting views.[12] Works by ancient Indian grammarians such as Patanjali and Katyayana suggest that women were educated in the early Vedic period[13][14] Rigvedic verses suggest that the women married at a mature age and were probably free to select their husband.[15] Scriptures such as Rig Veda and Upanishads mention several women sages and seers, notably Gargi and Maitreyi.[16] There are very few texts specifically dealing with the role of women;[17] an important exception is the Stri Dharma Paddhati of Tryambakayajvan, an official at Thanjavur around c.1730. The text compiles strictures on womenly behaviour dating back to the Apastamba sutra (c. 4th c. BCE).[18] The opening verse goes: mukhyo dharmaH smr^tiShu vihito bhartr^shushruShANam hi : women are enjoined to be of service to their husbands. Some kingdoms in the ancient India had traditions such as nagarvadhu (â€Å"bride of the city†). Women competed to win the coveted title of the nagarvadhu. Amrapali is the most famous example of a nagarvadhu. According to studies, women enjoyed equal status and rights during the early Vedic period.[19] However, later (approximately 500 B.C.), the status of women began to decline with the Smritis (esp. Manusmriti) and with the Islamic invasion of Babur and the Mughal empire and later Christianity curtailing women’s freedom and rights.[7] Although reformatory movements such as Jainism allowed women to be admitted to the religious order, by and large, the women in India faced confinement and restrictions.[19] The practice of child marriages is believed to have started from around sixth century.[20]

Information technology for pims pumps Essay

Analysis section 1 – Background/to identification of problem Pims Pumps are an industrial pumping company which are involved in the distribution, installation and maintenance of industrial pumping units. The company has a large fleet of vans and many specialised tools and lots of equipment. Currently all of the equipment is logged in and out of the workshop and vans and this information is stored on paper. Analysis section 2 – identification of the prospective user(s) The prospective users are the managers of the business all of whom are computer literate and are already using a computer system for other aspects of the business. The company have a small network of computers installed and all involved are competent in opening and using Microsoft access 2000 Analysis section 3 – identification of user needs and acceptable limitations The system needs to be able to store large amounts of data about the whereabouts of equipment, it must be able to search through the data for any specified criteria, it must be able to be edited, it must be secure and user friendly. Interview Example documents from user Observation The proposed system can only be tested to a certain extent on being able to store large amounts of data. Analysis section 4 – realistic appraisal of the feasibility of potential solutions. Analysis section 5 – justification of chosen solution I have chosen to use this system because Analysis section 6 – description of current system & data sources and destinations The current system involves the user logging in and out equipment to vans and back into the warehouse. The user must enter his/her name, the date and time, the registration of the vehicle they are taking it to, the name of the piece of equipment and the serial number of the piece of equipment. At the end of each week the logbook except for the most recent page is taken to the admin office and stored in a filing cabinet in date order. When a piece of equipment is missing, needed of has been damaged the user can then refer back to the log book to find out who if anyone still has the piece of equipment and who else has used it recently. This can be very time consuming, as the user has to visually scan through the logbooks until he comes to the entry, which could be anything up to 15 pages. This could easily result in human error and is a big waste of time Analysis section 8 – data flow diagram of current system. At current there is no flow of data as the information is simply logged and referred to if needed in the future. Analysis section 7 – objectives of the project Input tasks (Data entry / Modification / View) The system will provide a user-friendly simple interface with the initial user allowing them to enter the same information as they usually do just on a keyboard. This should avoid all complications. The user interface for the initial user will be very secure to try and prevent accidental damage to the system however the management features will be able to be accessed by the management team through a password. There will be a user guide and a trouble shooting section to try and solve any potential problems. The system will be presented in form view with a main menu and various forms for different functions Output tasks (Reports) The system will be able to produce a report showing the location of any piece of equipment, or all the equipment one member of staff has recently used or all the equipment currently in a particular van. The system must be able to search through all the records for any criteria and produce a report for each one Processing tasks. The system must be able to process the information and sort it into any order that the user wishes. Quantitative performance considerations The system is going to be run over a long period of time and so will need to be able to store a very large amount of data. This s one thing I will not be able to test to its full extent however I can estimate through hardware performance whether the system is adequate or not. Qualitative evaluation criteria Data security of the new system The system will have security passwords and all obvious features that would allow the user to enter restricted areas of the system would be disabled. The system will prompt the user to save changes or automatically save changes on exit anyway. Analysis section 9 – Data flow diagram of new system Analysis section 10 – E-R Model Project stage 2 : design Design section 1 – Overall system design The system will involve a series of tables, queries, reports and forms all linked together to provide a user-friendly system capable of all of the system requirements. I will have tables for vans, equipment, warehouse and users and will link these together and display them on one form. There will be a menu form giving the user options and security passwords for management to access and edit existing data or to view existing data. All of the data entry will be validated and the tables will be set to certain data types to try and ensure the user is entering the correct information. There will be four main tables related to bookings, employees, equipment and vehicles. There will also be four forms based upon these tables and then a main menu form for easy navigation of my database system Design section 2 – Description of modular structure of system. The system will be based around 4 main tables. These are TblEmployees, which contains information about the employees that work at the company. TblEquipment, which lists equipment, details about it, its current location and a list of who has recently used it. TblVehicles will contain a list of all of the vans that Pims Pumps use and contain a list of all the equipment that is currently in each van. TblBookings will record all the bookings in an out that a piece of equipment makes and records the equipment and employee ID numbers. These tables will all be linked together in an entity relationship diagram. Design section 3 – Definition of data requirements The database will have to store relevant information about the employees using the booking system information about the company’s vehicles and equipment information. The fields I will store in my equipment table are as follows: 1. Equipment ID – A unique number assigned to each piece of equipment. 2. Description – a brief description of the piece of equipment 3. Service interval – The next date when the piece of equipment is due to be serviced The fields I will store in my employee table are as follows: 1. Employee name – full name of the employee 2. Employee ID – a unique number assigned to each employee The fields I will store in my vehicles table are as follows: 1. Registration – The registration number of my vehicle 2. Vehicle ID – A unique number assigned to each vehicle I will also have a bookings table, which will store the employee and equipment ID for each booking of equipment, and the date on which the booking was made. This will enable me to run a query to find out for example what equipment any employee has used or what equipment is currently in a certain van etc. Design section 4 – Identification of storage requirements and media Development hardware I can design my system on any hardware running Microsoft Windows 95 or later and that is capable of running Microsoft Access at speed. I do not require any additional specific hardware for designing my database. End-user hardware The end user already has hardware capable of running my database and all the staff are familiar with Microsoft based programs. Development software I will design the database in Microsoft Access as this is very flexible and powerful enough to undertake all or the required tasks End-user software The end user will also have to use Microsoft Access as that is the only program that my database will run on I will design the database to be user friendly and limit access to all of its functions to try and prevent accidental damage to the system. Design section 5 – Identification of suitable algorithms for data transformation Queries Macros Visual basic code Design section 6 – identification of any validation required I have several input masks throughout my tables however no validations are needed. The input masks that ii have used are simply in place to ensure that the user is entering the correct information or at least information that is in the correct format. Design section 7 – overall user interface design Here is a plan of the layout of my main menu; Design section 8 – Sample of planned data capture and entry (e. g. forms Design section 9 – sample of planned data validation Design section 8 – Description of record/database structure & normalisation Normalisation Tables design Design section 11 – Sample of planned valid output (e. g. reports). I will produce reports based on queries related to different things however the format will remain the same. Below is an example of what a report would look like if the user queried for what equipment an employee has recently used: Design section 12 – Database design including relations, foreign keys, and primary keys. Entity-relationship diagram List and describe all relations separately 1. There is a one to many relationship from Equipment ID in the Equipment table to Equipment ID in the booking table. This enables there to be many pieces of equipment logged in the bookings table. 2. There is a one to many relationship from Employee ID in the Employee’s table to Employee ID in the Bookings table. This enables there to be many employees listed in the bookings table of that one employee can have many bookings. Indicate all primary and foreign keys for each table TblEquipment’s primary key is Equipment ID and it contains no foreign keys TblBooking’s primary key is Booking ID and it contains Equipment ID and Employee ID as foreign keys TblVehicle’s primary key is Vehicle ID and it contains no foreign keys TblEmployee’s primary key is Employee ID and it contains no foreign keys Design section 13 – Planned measures for security and integrity of data Design section 14 – Planned measures for systems security Design section 15 – Overall test strategy Project stage 3 : Technical solution Project stage 4 : System testing Test section 1- Design of test plan & strategy Test section 2 – Minimal test data Test section 3 – Expected results for typical test data Test section 4 – Erroneous data (Check forms reject invalid data) Test section 5 – Expected results for extreme data. Check that data just within range is accepted and stored Check that calculations using extreme data works Test section 6 – Hard copy of representative samples of test runs Project stage 5 : Maintenance Maintenance section 1 – System overview Maintenance section 2 – Summary of features used Maintenance section 3 -Sample of detailed algorithm design using a recognised methodology Maintenance section 4 – Annotated listings of program code, macro code & tailoring Maintenance section 5 – Screenshots (Mainly from design view) Table screenshots. Reports screenshots Query screenshots Macro’s screenshots Visual basic code Maintenance section 6 – List/description of package items developed Project stage 6 : User manual User manual – Brief introduction User manual – Samples of actual screen displays in situ User manual – Samples of error messages and/or error recovery procedures Project stage 7 : Appraisal Appraisal section 1 – Comparison of project performance against objectives Evaluation of end-user requirements Evaluation of the qualitative criteria Evaluation of the quantitative criteria.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Knowledge is power Essay

â€Å"A man without knowledge is like an idol† –Nidhi So knowledge is life and it gives power to human being which makes him different from the other living organism Knowledge according to Oxford dictionary is ‘’Facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject’’ â€Å"No thief, however skillful, can rob one of knowledge, and that is why knowledge is the best and safest treasure to acquire.† ― L. Frank Baum. The Lost Princess of Oz, so the greatest treasure of life is knowledge It is only by knowledge we can discern between right and wrong. If an animal kill a human being we say it’s because it has no knowledge but if a human being kills a human being then he or she is punished as human being has the knowledge that he should not kill other human beings Abhimanyu was the son of Arjuna and Subhadra. Subhadra was the sister of Sri Krishna. He use to tell her of the war techniques once when Abhimanyu was still in th e womb. He was telling her of how to break the challenges of chakra-vyuha but she dozed off but While Subhadra dozed off, Abhimanyu continued to carefully follow Sri Krishna’s narrative of the Chakra-vyuha. But, after talking for some time and not receiving any response from Subhadra, Sri Krishna realised that she was savouring a sweet nap. Sri Krishna, who had at that time come up to the seventh step of the Chakra-vyuha, gave up his narration and returned with Subhadra to the palace. The unfortunate Abhimanyu could never obtain the technique of breaking all the circles in the chakra-vyuha, but whatever he had heard Sri Krishna say, he carefully preserved in his memory. He grew up to be a brave, handsome young man. Many years later, during the Mahabharata war at Kurukshetra, the Kauravas set up a Chakra-vyuha and challenged the Pandavas to come forward and break it. However, only Arjuna knew the technique of doing so but he was fighting elsewhere. At that stage, to save the honour of the Pandavas, Abhimanyu came forward and offered his services for the task of breaking the chakra-vyuha. Despite his incomplete knowledge of the technique he entered the grid and overcame one circle after another until he came to the seventh one, the breaking of which he had no knowledge. Brave and ambitious he was but in vain as he had no knowledge. By this we can come to the conclusion that knowledge is power and half  knowledge can be dangerous We have to be careful in this world when we live as we read about Abhimanyu there are many people with this half knowledge and it can be very dangerous that even it can put our life in risk Mahatma Gandhi says of â€Å"Seven Deadly Sins and one among that is Knowledge without character Man has to spend his life to acquire knowledge but it should be to save the world and not to destroy it as for example nuclear energy is good for man use but if it is used for war it can end ruin the whole world in frac tion of seconds, as the dropping of nuclear bomb during second world war has its pain even today in Hiroshima and Nagasaki Knowledge plays an important role in all spheres of human life and activity. It is a powerful factor which helps man to attain success, power and position in life. There is no doubt that physical strength and money are instruments of power. A man who is physically strong or whose purse is full commands power over others but the power of knowledge is still greater. Knowledge directs his actions and enables him to find the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. It helps him overcome his weakness and faults and face dangers and difficulties with courage and confidence. It gives him mental, moral and spiritual advancement. Besides this, it is through knowledge that man has gained mastery over nature. Man is physically weaker than many animals. He cannot run fast as fast as a panther. He cannot see as far as an eagle can. His sense of smell is weaker than that of a dog. He cannot carry as heavy loads as some beasts of burden do. He cannot fight tigers and lions with his bare hands. Yet he has managed to become the most powerful creature on earth. His po wer comes from knowledge. Those who have wide-range of knowledge and experience can capture power and influence. The possession of knowledge gives them a distinct advantage over the semi educated people. Half knowledge is regarded as ‘the curse of god’ and also it is worse than ignorance. He explored land, water and space by virtue of his knowledge. Man has made progress in all fields starting from science, technology to arts etc. Knowledge gave man the feeling of strength and power. Knowledge develops human faculties. It leads to the excellence of the mind. It enables one to give sound judgment. Education and knowledge are desirable for democracy. We should try to spread the knowledge base in all fields in the masses. In Indian rural scene, the knowledge levels about family, school education, problems of woman. child rearing and other social issues are very  poor. Illiteracy and social backwardness combine to put the rural masses at the receiving end. Lack of knowledge leads to poverty and absence of methods of productivity and economic prosperity. This vicious cycle continues. Restraint, tolerance, understanding and capacity to manage affairs come with knowledge. If knowledge is imparted to our rural children, youth, women and men, they would emerge as the major social power. There is no end to the gaining of knowledge, It is only the foolish man who thinks he knows everything. Modern knowledge is very intricate and wide is scope The soldier, the man of the sword, thought he was the master; but he was really in the hands of the priest, the man of the pen. The pen was mightier than the sword. It was the same in ancient India. The learned Brahmins were for ages the real rulers of Indian States. They dominated the lower, ignorant castes; and their knowledge enabled them to manage the Rajas and Maharajas. Knowledge is not the property of the rich. No class has its monopoly over it. Anyone who perseveres in this endeavour may excel the others. It is not a thing to be bought with riches. Like wealth or beauty, it does not drop in value by time. Knowledge is power because all the power in the world owes to it. The power of knowledge has proved its supremacy over everything. As a whole, nothing benefited the mankind more than knowledge. A giant ship engine failed. The ship’s owners tried one expert after another, but none of them could figure but how to fix the engine. Then they brought in an old man who had been fixing ships since he was a young. He carried a large bag of tools with him, and when he arrived, he immediately went to work. He inspected the engine very carefully, top to bottom. Two of the ship’s owners were there, watching this man, hoping he would know what to do. After looking things over, the old man reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer. He gently tapped something. Instantly, the engine lurched into life. He carefully put his hammer away. The engine was fixed! A week later, the owners received a bill from the old man for ten thousand dollars. â€Å"What?!† the owners exclaimed. â€Å"He hardly did anything!† So they wrote the old man a note saying, â€Å"Please send us an itemized bill.† The man sent a bill that read: Tapping with a hammer†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. $ 2.00 Knowing where to tap†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. $ 9,998.00 Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort makes all the difference!

Monday, July 29, 2019

Some people say there is no point in trying to regulate cybermut. What Assignment

Some people say there is no point in trying to regulate cybermut. What do you think and why - Assignment Example Cybermut payment services allow buyers worldwide to do shopping twenty four by seven. It is a multilingual and multicurrency system that can function and accept payment cards in any currency (euros, dollars, yen etc.). It simply provide their customers with a simple and secure methods to pay their payments and purchases done via customers bank which record transactions. It offers essential advantages to make a transfer payment. It is simply a payment system which is done for free without imposing any critical and complicated rules or regulations. It generate the acknowledgment of delivery of the confirmation of payment. In short Cybermut System can regarded as a simple web service to ensure the online transaction or transfer payments are more secure. There’s is no substantial point in trying not to regulate Cybermut. It is accepted that every service has its own pros and cons but in this case advantages outnumbered

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Impact of Racism in the School Environment Research Paper

Impact of Racism in the School Environment - Research Paper Example Academically, a student that suffers from bullying will have low self-esteem and lack the push he or she requires to perform well in school. They may be shy in presenting themselves in the school and have no morale to continue with learning. It is common to see students that suffer from bullying want transfers to other schools. It means that the victim hates the school and would not concentrate on any activity. Their grades in the class drop as they slow or even stop studying in the fear of attack. As a part of the parents protecting their children, they opt to take them to other schools. If the school does not find a solution to bullying, the parent must protect the child (Burgis, 2012). As a measure to curb the harsh results of racism, schools have launch zero tolerance to racism policies. It ensures that students get the appropriate education as expected and do not suffer from any negative forces. The victims of racism are in three groups; students, teachers, and the schools itsel f. While we appreciate cultural diversity, racists take these differences and use them to intimidate others. It is not only students that suffer from racism. A teacher whose culture does not conform to that of the environment of operation may face racism and suffer its effects. The schools' atmosphere is equally affected when bullying and racism are in progress.   Students that face racism may be afraid to go to school. When they remember the embarrassing moments, they resist any attempts to have them go back to the same place.  Ã‚  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Power is more important than culture in determining I whether human Essay

Power is more important than culture in determining I whether human rights norms should are upheld or not - Essay Example Social status, morals, merits, religion cast, creed, race are immaterial in this case. Such rights are not static and keep on changing depending upon changing human needs. The interest shown by the United Nations, to protect the human rights reflects the rising alarm of the entire world to deliver freedom to each and every human being. Treaty like the United Nations Charter serves two main objectives i.e. it serves as an international standard which can be referred to by any nation to examine its own journey, its achievements, lacunae, standards and values; next, it gives inspiration to the countries to frame and implement policies protecting human rights in order to match the standard of the universal effort. However, it is to be noted that since the concept of protection of human rights is made with individualistic mindset a thorough investigation is needed as to where the treaty is leading us to. (Shimray, 2013, p. 72-73) Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) has come a long way in the last 60 years. Despite its history of failures and the relative incremental successes the work of the UDHR in sync with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, suggests a bright future for the human rights system. Now after 60 years, the main challenge is effective implementation and scrutiny of such laws in as many areas as possible. However, the major gain has been the manifestation of the idea that human rights cannot be done away with to upheld State sovereignty. However major lacunae still exist in the regime and one of which is the lack of a successful system to guarantee the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples. (Castellino, 2010, p.393-394) If one delves into the past, it will found that in the 1600s, the concept of state sovereignty was so rigid that it even gave a nation to kill its own people or to displace large groups of people by force and that no other nation was supposed to interfere with that. However, after the second world war

Friday, July 26, 2019

Employment and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Employment and Society - Essay Example All these factors have a profound influence on the organizational performance of a person; it also affects the psychological contract that a person makes with their employer based on mutual understanding and relationship in a negative manner. An impact on performance and mutual contract can create feelings of alienation and job insecurity as well. These feelings can further augment the stress. A huge responsibility lies on the shoulder of the individual to fight stress so they he/she is able to give the optimum level of efficiency, fulfill the psychological contract as well as fulfilling the family duties (Carole, 2003). There are a number of ways through which these feelings of stress can be curbed; it is the responsibility of the organization as well the individual; the organization can organize stress management seminars and conferences whereas the individual can use stress management techniques as a personal initiative. The duty of care needs to be fulfilled so that they are not called negligent from their responsibilities and become an active member of the corporate as well as the social society. Flexibility while working is of high importance as people from all walks of life need some elasticity towards their work life, timings and atmosphere. For example, for a single mother of two, work time flexibility would mean a peace of mind where she would be able to reach to her kids between normal work times; this will lead to better efficiency on her part as her worries will be less. Therefore, Flexibility is considered one of the biggest attributes that can attract labor towards one’s organization (Kathleen, 2010). Flexibility helps to achieve the goals of both the employee and the employer; flex hours would help the employee by tension free and work according to his/her timings producing quality work which is what the employer wants from the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Kenworth Motors Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Kenworth Motors Managment - Essay Example According to the discussion, Kenworth Motors is producers of trucking and other automobile products with its trucking manufacturing unit as its major and most important business unit. It is the leading manufacturer of heavy duty and medium duty trucks since 1923 and is dominating the market through its large network of dealers spread all over the country as well as in Canada. This large network not only offers the final product of the company but also offer parts and after sales services to the clients all over the market. The company has a tradition of serving its customers through its large network and as such the overall structure is designed in such a manner that it effectively serve its customers in almost all parts of the country. The case study in question provides the insight into the existing affairs that are taking place at the trucking unit of the company at Seattle and indicates about the various difficulties which the plant manager is envisaging in the future to happen. The underlying change that has been discussed in the case is multi-dimensional in nature and requires a very careful review of the affairs of the firm in order to prescribe any policy initiatives which can only be undertaken after issues are sorted out. Further, since any change cannot take place without the considering significant changes in the way HR function of the organization used to work. The change that is implicitly discussed in this case study outlines the need for having a complete revamping of the unit’s overall structure in order to make it more organized and efficient. For this purpose, HR therefore shall be playing the major role of providing necessary support in making this change more visible and effective within the organization.

What is the role of the UN in the world today and what role should it Essay

What is the role of the UN in the world today and what role should it play in the future - Essay Example 335-60). United Nations is also working for regulating international commerce, compiling data and delivering services. UN had established UNICEF. Women of child-bearing age and children are benefited with the help of UNICEF in more than 100 countries (Arnold, 1995, p. 47) Another most important role the UN playing since its creation and nowadays is to maintain peace worldwide. For this purpose, the United Nations has directed 17 interventions whose function is to form peace keeping forces. These peace keeping forces are formed with the help of different nations that are member of United Nations. The purpose of these peace keeping operations is to reduce the strain that the United Nations had to face in the form of cost of several hundred million dollars a year to spend during the Cold War. Peace keeping operations are in progress to maintain peace in all nations (Barnett, 1995, p. 79-97). The future role of United Nations will be to meet different needs such as security, politics and economic needs of the international community. This role will make sure that the United Nations and its programs, to improve health, peace and other conditions in all nations, are working properly (Beigbeder, 1987, p. 174). New challenges will be met with the help of upgraded management systems and program delivery. United Nations will also establish several services that will improve accountability of management and financial sectors of all nations. It will also make sure that all the spending for the development of different programs, departments and agencies are cost effective. To achieve success in all the future plans, the United Nations will have to develop a clear road map (Boutros-Ghali, 1992/1993, p. 89-102). The programs that had been proven highly effective in the past now seem less important and less effective. This is so because implementation of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Research Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Research Project - Assignment Example The primary objective of this research is to critically assess the issues associated with customer and food quality of the organizations operating across different regions of the UK. In this regard, the research study incorporates an effective form of qualitative framework, critically analyzing the issues relating to the complexities faced by the customers due to food quality issues of the hospitality organizations operating in different locations of the UK. The methodology will also be justified in response to its relevance and accountability regarding the major objectives and goals of the research. Finally, this research will analyze the major findings obtained through the study, leading to the major issues associated with customers and quality related concerns of the food and beverage industry of the UK, providing an effective set of recommendations that can help the food and beverage industry to deal with the issues associated with customer and quality of their products and servi ces. With the intensifying pace of competition in the global food and beverage industry, organizations are often observed to face issues associated with sustainable customer services along with the concerns relating to the quality of their offerings. In this context, both the issues relating to customer and quality of food and beverage items have been observed to emerge at a significant level that impose major concerns for the organizations to retain their sustainable position in the competitive business environment (Szyplinska, â€Å"Food and Beverage Industry Focuses on Water Footprint and Greater Sustainability†). In this regard, it becomes an essential and most vital issue for research, which can ensure appropriate identification of effective measures to protect consumers from different flaws and inappropriate practices while producing foods and beverage items and accomplish

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Leadership - Essay Example – and realize the important link between leadership and success/failure in the chosen path. Hence, I believe that training in the theoretical aspects of personal leadership development would enhance the chances of my success in post-academic life. I define success as a continuing phenomenon of setting goals and achieving them, with each succeeding goal being higher or nobler than the preceding one. Success is a relative term as well, in the sense that it is as much a feeling of self-satisfaction as the recognition that one gains in an organization or society at large. I place great importance on personal probity, teamwork, participation in peripheral fields of activities etc. as the means to achieve success and recognition. Ideally, I wish to work for any organization that reflects my personal beliefs in order that I contribute to it with full sense of participation, and grow along with it. This means that the (your last name) 2 organization must have a good track record of co rporate responsibility, well-respected by the society and enable its employees to blossom to their fullest capabilities. My profession as a retail manager should see me gaining hands-on experience in the initial years, followed by managing teams of juniors in three to five years time and ultimately setting up and running my own business unit in about 8 to 10 years after graduation. Assessing my leadership qualities Without assigning any priority, I consider the following self-assessment assignments as being very useful and revealing: Motivation to lead, Emotional intelligence, Participatory leadership attitude, Leader-member exchange, Self-confidence and Generalized self-efficacy. It is not that I have scored above average in my self-assessment exercises in these fields – rather, the exercises revealed to me my strengths as well as weaknesses. Knowing one’s weaknesses is the first step in learning ways to overcome them. My goals and aspirations as mentioned earlier wou ld demand that I learn to work in a team as a member, build a team and provide leadership to it in due course, handle difficult situations with a balanced approach, and be self-confident and efficient. These are the reasons for me to consider the six selected factors as the most helpful and relevant to my situation. Motivation to lead: I have scored †¦ , taken as the average on the individual dimensions of this exercise like identity-based motivation, noncalculative-based motivation and social normative-based motivation. The exercise helped me to appreciate the vital link between my ambitions and the practical world of dealing with people and their own motivations. Individual scores reflect the gap between what it takes to be a good leader and my present state of (your last name) 3 preparedness to assume leadership role in the real world. My medium-term and long-term goals provide the motivation for me to lead. If I have to realize the aspiration of owning a business in the l ong-term and achieve a measure of success, I should be a good leader to motivate those working for me to contribute their best. Emotional intelligence: I have scored †¦ , taken as the average on the individual dimensions of this exercise, comprising expression, thinking, knowledge and regulation. Having a different level of intelligence from team members, whether higher or lower, is immaterial so long as one can exercise intelligence with prudent emotion. I am certain to

Monday, July 22, 2019

Mock Trial Closings Essay Example for Free

Mock Trial Closings Essay The closing argument is the last piece of a mock trial, essentially the last time you get to sell your case to the jury. During the closing argument, you are summarizing and putting together everything the jury has already heard during the trial. You are basically clarifying everything presented in the trial from showing the relevance of a particular witness to showing how everything you’ve presented comes together to prove your case. It is one of the most important parts of mock trial, mainly because the jury listens. It is the last chance to convince the judges of your case, to show you are more skilled than your opponent, and get the perfect 10 you’re hoping for because they are the last words the jury will hear from your team. It can make your case, or break it, thus delivery is very important. Writing the Closing Theme An important part of a great closing is the theme. It will tie your case together in a pretty ribbon that will stay in the juries mind. It will be the same theme from the opening, one that runs through your entire case, and in the closing reminding the jury of your case with the catchy phrase or sentence. Structure 1)Introduction: Begin with a short introduction that catches the jury’s attention. It should remind the judges of the big picture. If it’s a murder trial, talk about how tragic it is that this person’s life was taken away. If it’s a civil trial you can speak about how the person’s rights were violated. Also be sure to introduce your theme during the introduction. 2)Burden of Proof: Explain what your burden is and what your role is in relation to it. Tell the judges exactly how you’ve met the burden or how the opposing counsel has failed to met this burden. In addition, frame the burden of proof in your favor. 3)Law: Tell the judges about each element of the charge. Explain whether or not you have proved or disproved each element, or whether it is enough to prove or disprove any one element. Then make a roadmap. Tell the judge that to prove your burden/undermine your opponents case, you are to prove x, y, and z. 4)Argument: This is the meat of your case. This is where one by one you are going to signpost and tell the judge exactly what you are talking about. Example: â€Å"Now let’s look at X†. X, Y, and Z should not be your three witnesses but parts of the law that you need to prove or disprove. Remind your judges of testimonies/evidence from the trial that adds up to show X. Do this for all points. Its important to remember it should be based around the law. Don’t go witness by witness recounting the evidence. 5)Conclusion: Sums everything up. Restate how you’ve met your burden of proof through x, y, and z. Use your theme once more to tie everything together. Ask for a verdict. Remember to be this strong, convincing and memorable.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Waste To Wealth Program Environmental Sciences Essay

Waste To Wealth Program Environmental Sciences Essay Urban and rural areas of India produce so much garbage daily and suffering by many types of pollutions which are increasing very fast in terms of area and environment. Most of households of urban area are not using dustbin or not getting facilities to put their domestic garbage and they through on the road and way. This activity is change into bad habit because of lack of facilities and knowledge. People are suffering from air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution even they involve to through the garbage anywhere. People want their neat and clean environment even they dont know how to get it. In these days people are using plastics and it is become a part of a life, which produce the chemical poisons. Many hazardous waste in urban comes from industries and factories also which are the release so many harmful chemical but another side we have recycle units are converting in the useful elements. In the rural area farmers are also involve to use the chemical fertilizers so land is becoming unproductive land. Another thing plastic products are also dominating in the rural area and cause of degrading land and rural cattle also are eating this thats why cattles death happening in the rural area. Because of environment affect it is necessary to protect and change the behavior of people. We need to change our habits and protect our health, well-being by providing reasonable measures and information for re-use and reducing the consumption of plastics and throwing the garbage outsides. In the cities households are wasting food and plastics and throw on the road and some places and in the colonies and real-states colonies households dont have option to separate their domestic garbage so they use to put in one plastic bag and put on municipal-party garbage-bin. Reducing, reusing, recycling and recovering of waste behavior can make changes our environment. Through this concept it may treating and safely disposing of waste and it is possible to prevent the pollution and ecological degradation. Through the waste our youth can get employment and can promote the economic and social development. In this activity so many people are under the target and focus group, which may become beneficiary and part of this program. In many states have rag-pickers in various places that are involving to collect the garbage and part of our social and economic situation. They are not aware about their health because of financial problem and education. Involve the rag-pickers and unemployed youth, it is possible to promote and ensuring the effective delivery of waste from household and they will pay some amount of services in weekly or monthly. In this service households will get two separate bin for plastics and food wastage and unemployed youth can get employment with through promotion. Food waste should not be waste which can be converting into compost and vermi-compost, and farmers can get bio-fertilizers or manure with low price and collaboration with recycler industries, rag-pickers can get good amount and better living standard. In this program public place and productive land will be clean from waste and secure from contamination. Genetics the problem. Only households are not responsible to create problem even school, colleges mess or canteen, restaurants, hotels, offices and theaters and mandies or markets, these are the things direct throw the garbage outsides. Mostly garbage goes to drainage and dumps the drains which become a cause to create odor and mosquitoes etc. and drainage goes to some water resources and through the harmful chemicals. Harmful chemicals reach to cultivated field through supply channel of water resources and also animals are affecting to drink and human. Many states government have many schemes to control pollution and garbage on the road and they have different system to manage these things through municipal party. In Uttar Pradesh at Kanpur, so many industries are releasing the toxic chemicals in the river, as well as institutions and households are also caused of garbage. Chromium (harmful chemical), which has two forms, trivalent hexavalent and when chromium salts change from trivalent to hexavalent, which depend on the pH, it become poison and cause of cancer. Another thing is cattle and animals who loitering here and there, they are taking garbage as a feed and dying. Grand truck highway to Allahabad at Kanpur has dumping problem of hazardous waste and citizen are suffering from bad odor and dirty place and in the rainy season people use to suffer from dirty water. People do not have safe drinking water and who are taking water from bore-well which is just 100 feet away from sludge heaps along the roadside. Many tones mixed waste comes from city to near rural area of district Lucknow and most of places of side of highway road are covering by garbage. Through the mixed garbage use-full gas can produce and the actual energy balance to see whether the energy plant will be a consumer or producer of power, at enormous cost to the taxpayer. Plant is getting 200-400 tons/day of pure organic waste and 50 percent organic content in mixed waste and in between they are getting banana leaves waste, which is as halting in the plant but they could go for vermi-compost. Many stakeholders are active to manage the waste and they are supporting to implementing agencies (govt. or private). Waste management agencies are getting waste from UP Kisan Mandi Parisad and plant has good source to get waste to produce biogas through gas buffer tank. Here genetic problem means follow the others habits and hierarchical activity. Every people know that if they will throw the garbage on public place, other people will affect including them also. This activity is continuing since many decades and also some effort are using against this activity but people are not aware about it. In the waste management, rag-pickers are playing very important role and they are reducing or make safe place from some poisons, which are the harmful for human. In this nation population is growing very fast and they do not have opportunity to live in proper place and they also encroaching the place and another thing is who will manage the waste releasing by households. Their children are also doing continue same activity, whatever they observe around them, if they do not have knowledge and right place (environment) to live and learn from difficulties. Households are having mentality of use and throw things and they do not want re-use the things. In India we dont have quality technique to recycles the wastes and children of rag pickers family also forced by their parents. They are suffering from some diseases and some harmful things like, metals, needles, infected things etc. before taking food they are not washing hand properly and usually not wearing slippers or shoes. Program components Clean and green environment of urban and rural: Make money (employment) from waste for unemployed poor people: Rural and urban collection centre (program implementation centre) Make better life of rag-pickers: Change the behaviour of people (BCC): Soil rehabilitate by waste compost (organic): Plantation: Collaborate with recycle industries and linkage with different stakeholders: Clean and green environment of urban and rural: Program have some objective to implement this series of steps to be carried out and seeing to sustainability of program it is necessary to good outcome. Where program is going to implement, that context will have some expectation to get better environment. Program will work on both contexts urban and rural which is part of this program and both are very important to implement this program. Program will provide the two types of bin for plastics and decayable. From the urban area, garbage will come to units and it will be convert into vermi-compost or pit-compost so urban area will safe from dirty place and polluted environment and same strategy could be run as well as rural area can get vermi-compost in cheap price for productivity of their land. Make money (employment) from waste for unemployed poor people: In the urban and rural area most of people, specially poor youth are not getting employment, so interested people and youth can get job or employment through this program and in this process without invest that much financial things to make money to produce organic fertilizer as well as clean and green environment. Employee will collect the garbage from household for giving services weekly and they. Rural and urban collection center (program implementation center): For producing the organic fertilizer and separation of recyclable components units to be necessary and whatever material will collect from urban after that it will go to centers for processing of compost and package of plastic to send recycle industries. Centers are main point to decide the all activities of fixed location, from where employee will get their information and delivery of material from households to center. Make better life of rag-pickers: In this program only people are not involve even rag-pickers have good option to join this program. Rag-pickers collect different type of recyclable things. They have good environment to learn many things to improve their skill and knowledge and as well program will change their behavior because they are not aware about their health and suffering from various diseases. Program will provide some classes and protection material to collect garbage. They will get some trainings of how to act before, during and after collect the garbage. Through this program they will get good physical and financial status as well as social also. Change the behavior of people (BCC): Avoiding and reducing the generation of waste through the cost of reflective and increase or create the awareness. Program want to change the unnecessary habit of people which are the harmful for their health and environment and continuity of unnecessary habits affect to others and create problem of their selves. In this activity people will know and be aware about pollution. Generally Rag-pickers suffer big problems of health because of unawareness and they do not use protection elements during collect the garbage. Their habits are a hierarchical so through the program their parents and same community can get facilities. Through the behavior change program would like to increase reuse and recycling rates of products and reduce the percentage of recyclable material to landfill. Soil rehabilitate by waste compost (organic): Rural area has good opportunity to rehabilitate the land and farmers also can get vermi-compost in cheap rate. It is possible to produce the organic fertilizers through the garbage which will come from urban waste and rural waste. This program has units near to rural area so it is easy to reach the rural and farmers also can approach to units. Plantation: It is necessary to ensure the protection of the environment through the effective waste management. In these days urbanization is happening very fast so which is cause of deforestation. So as well as organic farming and soil rehabilitation, urban and rural area will get plantation facilities which will help to make green and good environment. It may possible to get financial strength by fruit plant and plantation on the side of road will provide the shade to passer. In the rural area people could get fuel for food and could also earn from it. Collaborate with recycle industries and linkage with different stakeholders: The primary focus of this program is to achieve the objectives of waste hierarchy which is set of broad and economic perspective related and collaboration is necessary activity of this program which will fulfill the objects. The program will collaborate to recycle industries, municipal party, government and privet market and institutions. Many stakeholders are involve in this program and they are the main components of this program who are the part of program success Need assessment Demography This program will run in the cities of Uttar Pradesh and there are waste is very big problem and people need the solution of this problem. On the basis of data this program will select the cities and rural area where program could fulfill the all problematic situations. Most of cities are going to finish their popularity and tourism is also going to reduce or to be affected, because of odour and dirty places. Community needs; Community will have some expectation from this program and also community is part of it. It is made by based on their needs and with seeing the difficulties of community; program will try to fulfill their expectation or needs. Based on the experience and data some area will cover by this program. Urban households will get some services to remove the garbage and people will get relief from dirty or polluted place. Other stakeholders (schools college or universities mess, hotels, restaurants, markets, shopping mall and other institutions etc) also will get facilities and they need their neat and clean environment which is help to maintain their quality if life also. This program will fill the some community need: Neat and clean environment Employment Income generation Protect the health Prevent the pollution Sustainable development Make better life Community resources: Program has specific target groups who want to fulfill their needs and secure their life and economic part. Community resource means, how can they contribute in this program. Community contribution is must for it and they will contribute. Based on their needs and structure of program, the most essential part of some experience of the approach is to group for waste management which is show the value chain a series of steps, which will be based on the descending order of priority. Waste cannot be avoid by community because they knows very well, it will create problem in the future and this is not become waste for them. Households and other institution or stakeholders will pay for services and unemployed youth will get employment to collect it and rag-pickers also will get money and from collaborated recycle industries through this program. Vision and Mission of the program Vision: Advancing livelihood through waste management as well as green clean environment Mission: Poverty reduction of community through Phases of the program Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Period 3 years 4 years 3 years Focus Reach to households and other stakeholders To protect health, provide well being and environment Change the behavior of people to reduce, reuse, recover the waste. Coverage 4 Cities of Utter Pradesh Expansion program in other areas Reach to rural area for remediation for contaminated land Activities Waste avoidance reduction through services, Recovery, reuse recycling the waste Treatment processing Outcomes Clean and green environment Pollution free environment Reducing the poverty from waste Income generate by itself Logical framework Intervention logic Objective verified indicator Means of verification Pre-condition Assumption Goal- Reducing, re-using, recycling and recovering waste. Promoting and ensuring the effective delivery of waste services Identified the focus group Their living standard Identified the location Collect the primary secondary data People unaware about environment and unknown from reduce, reuse and recover Objectives- To change the behaviour of people to reduce, reuse and recover of waste by recycling. To make the clean and green environment with effective waste management. To provide the employment for people with waste management. Facilitate to farmers for cost effective farming with organic fertilizers Involve the unemployment people, rag-pickers, people and other stakeholders Impact of program through feedback The act of observing Change the behaviour of people Make better life of rag-pickers Output- Organise the citizen and people Good environment well-being and income generation Make better living standard Reduce the waste through change the behaviour Reduce the generation of waste Prevention of pollution and ecological degradation Remediation of contaminated land Recover the all dirty places of cities Input Funds, infrastructure of units, skilled and unskilled human resource Initial investment Implementation Monitoring Evaluate the program Impact study of per event Some institution is working in this field but not effective and in a proper way First focus group will be households in the urban and rural area, from where primary waste will come and they will get two types of bin plastics and decayable things. Collection garbage from households and others Employee will collect the garbage weekly and households and other institution will pay of service on weekly with take receipts. Collect the plastics and other metal Rag-pickers are very important part to make clean and safe the public place. Work with the rag-pickers and collect by them the plastics and other recyclable elements which spread the harmful chemicals and pollute the environment. Recover and separation of material After collection the input, it will go to the separation units where other employees will cover the material and make separate it and also maintain the document and register of covering the households and tally the paying receipts. Use for compost and recycle After separation the material employee will send it for recycling to recycle industries and decayable things for vermi or pit-compost. Goal Reducing, re-using, recycling and recovering waste. Promoting and ensuring the effective delivery of waste services Objectives: To change the behaviour of people to reduce, reuse and recover of waste by recycling. To make the clean and green environment with effective waste management To provide the employment for people with waste management. Facilitate to farmers for cost effective farming with organic fertilizers. Note- Nothing is waste until you make it waste Methodology / implementation: Program will run by staff member and employees and support of other stakeholder and in the program, program manager will make strategy to work on particular location and linkage with govt. and private institution and establish the some awareness program and campaign and control the all staff of location. Here area manager will define the location and implement the program and make report to the program manager. He will conduct the all meeting of employees and arrange the all needs of units. Here marketing manager has responsibility to search the market of organic products and make strategy to direct reach to farmers and others. Supervisor will control the all employee and see the problem of area and facilitate to collection centre and as well as accountant will make and prepare all document and record of financial things. Evaluation Cost-effectiveness of the program: Program has initial investment and it will provide the some necessary facilities which is prevent the possibility of future investment. Community satisfaction: Community will fulfil their needs through the program and get some services and benefits and they have some contribution without extra effort and financial things. Attainment of goals: Work with community and other stakeholders and fulfil their needs as well as program will reach to own goals and fulfil the all objects. Program sustainability In the development sector people are working for poverty reduction and promoting livelihood etc. with various strategic plan and community also adopting this kind of strategy because they have to reduce their poverty and get better livelihood. One side people are focusing to get money and better living status but another side they also facing problem of poor health and environment. They know what they are doing but they dont know which impact is affecting of their life. People are wasting so much what is part of their financial and environment. This program is considering and caring to the next generation and community also care of their generation but they do not think that their next generation will suffer in the future. Waste management program will provide the facilities to many stakeholders and focus on the future and next generation and how they can get good environment and better livelihood through waste management. Program think that nothing is waste until you make it waste and waste is the source of economic and it is possible to make better life through waste management. Urban people will get neat and clean and pollution free environment with their contribution in the program as well as unemployed people will get employment to provide services to household and other institutions through this program and rag-pickers have so many benefits to work on it and they will get good standard of life and can reduce their poverty and poor health. Financial guideline Initial invest is very necessary for this program which is consider the one of the base of program and aim of program is provide the facilities to community which will be consume the financial things of dustbins and the units of collection centre and arrangement of units and some instruments for producing the vermi and pit composts. For collection the garbage employee need the some vehicle, so in that program need sufficient fund to cover all needs, obviously it depend on the area or location of the implementing program. Program has also thought of protection of their employee because of they will work on the dirty component so they have to secure their life first and after that they can protect or secure of others life. Program need the approximate fund Rs.5 crore. Staff structure and qualification Sr. no. Staff Qualification 1 Program Manager Post graduate and computer knowledge 2 Area manager Graduate in engineering and computer knowledge 3 Marketing manager Post graduate and computer knowledge 4 Supervisor 10+2 and computer knowledge 5 Accountant Graduate in account and computer knowledge Way forward This program has very long vision to run it and in the future it would like to some technical aspect like GPS system, what will help to know the covering area or location and selected area. Linkage with different stakeholders and work on other social work related to environment and livelihood of people and which could make better life. Through the plantation and organic cultivation, program could promote JLG and producer group and provide the education of other facilities to rag-pickers. Conclusion- This program has very specific concept to remove unnecessary thins from social and environment and work with community and focus group. For sustainable development it is possible to reach the program goal and fulfil the objectives. Program will work with different stakeholders and staff members and make better living standard with income generation from waste. Most beautiful thing is people involvement and they could change their behaviour.

Biography of Katherine Johnson

Biography of Katherine Johnson This autobiography is focused on Katherine Johnson, the human computer and mathematician. Her triumphs were a part of the civil rights movement, as she was one of the few federally employed African Americans specifically by NASA. While continuously fighting for the betterment of her education and career, she was successful in helping put the first man into space. In fact, it was John Glenn himself who requrested Mr. Johnsons confirmation of the BMIs calculations before boarding Friendship 7. She was a necessity in the launch and landing of Americas first space shuttle, providing to millions of Americans that a black person was just as capable as any. She was also the first black women integrated into West Virginia Universitys college. Her contributions to our country rewarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2015. Katherine Johnson was born in our very own home state on August twenty-sixth in the early fall of nineteen eighteen. She was born and raised in White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier County, West Virginia. Her mother and father were Joshua and Joylette Coleman. She wa the youngest of four siblings, and both of her parents worked; her mother was a teacher and her father worked at the Greenbrier Hotel. They both loved Katherine dearly and wanted to further her education once they realized the great potential that she had. Many African Americans her age did not go past the eighth grade. Quickly, her parents enrolled all four of their children into high school on the campus of West Virginia State College. Traveling back and forth one hundred and fifty miles to White Sulphur Springs and Institute gave Katherine the opportunity to dream big just at the age of ten. Once Katherine graduated high school, she applied and was accepted into West Virginia State College which may also be known as West Virginia State University today. During her childhood she loved numbers, growing up she loved numbers, and as she aged she grew into a mathematician. While attending college, Katherine took advantage of every opportunity given to her. Many of Katherines professors recognized her determination as she took every math course available. A woman named W.W. Schiefflin Claytor even went to lengths to create her new math courses. At the age of eighteen, Katherine graduated college and accepted a teaching position at an African American public school in Virginia. Shortly after graduation, she met her first husband, James Goble, and married him in year of nineteen thirty-nine. Being the first African American in history to desegregate West Virginia University, Katherine enrolled into the graduate program. After one session, she decided to quit and start a family. Luckily at a family gathering, thirteen years later in nineteen fifty-two, a relative mentioned that the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics was hiring mathematicians. The next year, she was offered a job which she accepted and became a part of NASA. Until nineteen fifty-eight, Katherine worked as a computer analyzing topics such as gust alleviation for aircraft. She was then assigned to help the male flight research team temporarily. Blowing away her bosses and colleagues with analytic geometry proved her position there, so she stayed. Taking on racial and gender discrimination was hard for Katherine; however, she persevered by ignoring them and sticking to her work. Throughout her career, she worked as an aerospace technologist, and was promoted to the Spacecraft Control Branch. She contributed and took place in major historical events and accomplishments for America such as John Glenns orbit around Earth, the Mercury mission, and putting the first man into space! She was expected to calculated trajectories, launch windows, and to plot navigational plots for astronauts in case of electronic failures. John Glenn specifically asked officials to have Katherine verify the calculations made by the computer, stating that he refused to fly otherwise. Her work ensured Alan Shepards Freedom 7 Mercury capsule would be found after it had landed. Her trajectories were required for the nineteen sixty-nine Apollo 11 flight to the moon. She helped creating a one-star observation system that would allow astronauts to determine their location with accuracy; After all, her concern was getting them (astronauts) back. Since there, she has worked on the Space Shuttl e program, the Earth Resources Satellite, and on plans for a mission to Mars. West Virginia University presented her with a Presidential Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters for attaining national and international preeminence in the field of astrophysics and providing distinguished leadership and service in her field while the former President of the United States awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Bill Gates :: essays research papers fc

Bill Gates When one thinks of computer software, one must think of Microsoft. In fact if you use a computer, chances are that you will have some type of program on there that is developed by Microsoft. The CEO, chairman, cofounder, and owner of 147 billion shares of Microsoft is Bill Gates. William Henry Gates III was born in the midst of a scenic Seattle on Thursday, October 28, 1995 to his parents Mary and William Henry Gates Jr. His childhood was uneventful and was well raised. He went to Sunday school at the Congregational church and sang in the choir. He was a Boy Scout but never showed interest for either of these activities. Gates was an unusual child who spent long periods in his room in deep thought. He loved science and showed great skill in the area of math. In fact he scored a perfect on the math section of the SAT. His high school English teacher Anne Stephens was amazed at Gates' memory. She commented on how Gates had remembered a 3-page soliloquy for a school play in one reading. He read often, tried to take up the trombone, had no interest in philosophy but rather thought of himself as a "scientist." His science teacher, William Dougall, remembers if the teacher wasn't going fast enough, "Bill always seemed on the verge of saying, 'But that's obvious.'" Gates once said to a teacher that some day he would be a millionaire. A grossly underestimated statement. Today Gates is one of the richest men in the world. In the fall of 1968, Bill Gates was entering the 8th grade at lakeside School, and his best friend Paul Allen, entered the 10th grade. Lakeside invested $3,000 into a Teletype machine which could connect to the business computer via a phone line. When the computer courses began in January 1969, both Gates and Allen discovered their passion for programming. Since very few teachers knew anything about computers, the boys taught themselves with every manual they could get their hands on. Some days both would cut gym to gain extra time on the terminal. Gates first program was a ticktacktoe game. Gates and Allen would soon be restricted to time on the terminal because the school's electric bill was ever increasing. In a long series of mishaps Gates and Allen would soon be programming away at Lakeside. The math teacher that had been assigned to do class scheduling, manually, died in an airplane accident. Gates and Allen were offered $2,400 worth of computer time in exchange for a class scheduling program.

Friday, July 19, 2019

For Their Rights as Citizens :: essays papers

For Their Rights as Citizens During the Civil War, almost 200,000 African Americans fought alongside white people. What did these African Americans fight for? Some fought for the freedom of others of their kind. While others fought for equality in the eyes of white people. Even some fought for revenge against the Southern way of life. But what I believe that they fought for was their rights as citizens. They wanted to be treated as Citizens of the United States of America, and have all of the privileges endowed to citizens. â€Å"If we fight to maintain a Republican Government, we want Republican privileges.....all we ask is the proper enjoyment of the rights of citizenship,† p205. This tells me that the African Americans were thinking of their rights of citizenship before the war had concluded. To them, being a citizen of the United States meant that they could do what ever they wanted to do. They could pursue dreams they had to go visit everywhere and anywhere in this country freely. Nobody would be holding them down or selling off their children anymore. They would no longer be automatons, they would have a say in what they wanted to accomplish in life, from banking to farming, to being land owners themselves. The African Americans also wanted to demonstrate that they were willing to fight for their rights. Sergeant Charles Singer wrote, â€Å"show the whole world that we are willing to fight for our rights...† p.215. This shows that they wanted to prove that they were willing to die for those rights allotted to citizens. â€Å"Let us by a common cause now made holy by our blood, raise ourselves from the mire,† p.216. To me this shows the willingness of the African Americans to join together fight for a cause, and not fear death. Because in the end, they would earn citizenship and all of its benefits. This is a good reason to fight, earn freedom from oppression, and be given the rights allotted to all citizens. Some fighting under the banner of citizenship and its rights, believed that they disserved the same rights as the white people. â€Å"...I am not willing to fight for anything less that the white man fights for.......Give me my rights, the rights that this Government owes me, the same rights that the white man has,† p.208. This tells me that the African Americans wanted no less than what the white people already had.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Production Of Olive Oil Essay -- Foods Process Essays

Production Of Olive Oil INTRODUCTION Olive oil is a pale yellow to greenish oil extracted from the fruit of the European olive tree (Olea europaea L.), which originated in the Mediterranean area. The olive is originally native to the eastern Mediterranean region but the cultivated form is now grown throughout that area and in other parts of the world with Mediterranean-type climates. It hardens at refrigerator temperatures - around 10 degrees F. Today a market certainly exists for olive oil, since the U.S. imports about 35 million gallons each year. Interest in the health aspects of olive oil is expanding and increasing demand each year. Demand has increased over 20% each year for the last 5 years. California produces about 300,000 gallons of oil each year about half of that is sold each year as the gourmet treat classified as extra-virgin and sold from $10 to $40 per half-liter. Among global producers, Spain leads with more than 40% of world production, followed by Italy and Greece. Much of the Spanish crop is exported to Italy, where it is both consumed and repackaged for sale abroad as Italian olive oil. Different Grades Of Olive Oil Extra-virgin olive oil comes from the first pressing of the olives, contains no more than 0.8% acidity, and is judged to have a superior taste. There can be no refined oil in extra-virgin olive oil. Virgin olive oil with an acidity less than 2%, and judged to have a good taste. There can be no refined oil in virgin olive oil. Olive oil is a blend of virgin oil and refined virgin oil, containing at most 1% acidity. It commonly lacks a strong flavor. Olive-pomace oil is a blend of refined olive-pomace oil and possibly some virgin oil. It is fit for consumption, but it may not be c... ...etting a person or place apart for special work It is used in the ordination of priests and bishops, in the consecration of altars and churches, and, traditionally, in the anointing of monarchs at their coronation. To this day, Eastern Orthodox Christians use oil lamps in their churches and home prayer corners. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. http://www .wikipedia.org 2. http://www.olivetree.eat- online.net/frameoliveoil.htm 3. http://www.oliflix.com/eng/enviroment.htm 4. http://www.oliveoilsource.com/olive_recipes_.htm 5. Microsoft ® Encarta ® Encyclopedia 2002.  © 1993-2001 Microsoft Corporation. 6. Tous, J. and L. Ferguson. 1996. Mediterranean fruits, Progress in new crops. In: J. Janick (ed.), ASHS Press, Arlington, VA. p. 416-430 7. www.sfc.ucdavis.edu/research/olive.html 8. www.ucm.es/info/improliv/allgem.htm 9. http://www.encyclopedia.com/html/o1/oliveoil.asp

Father Steals Best: Crime in an American Family Essay

This particular story is about a family of criminals in Oregon and received attention throughout the United States and has been cited by politicians, law enforcement agencies, and researchers in criminology, and psychology. Dale Vincent â€Å"Rooster† Bogle, taught his children to steal, so that by age 10 his sons were already breaking into liquor stores or stealing tractor-trailer trucks. His daughters turned to petty crimes in order to support their drug addictions. By the time of his death in 1998, 28 of the Bogle clan had been convicted of crimes, including several of Rooster’s grandchildren. Tracey Bogle, the youngest of Rooster’s sons, is quoted as saying, â€Å"Rooster raised us to be outlaws†¦There is a domino effect in a family like ours†¦What you’re raised with, you grow to become. You don’t escape.† The Justice Department’s statistics show that approximately 47 percent of inmates in the state prisons have parents o r other close relatives who have also been incarcerated. The Justice Department believes that ignoring this family cycle of criminality may be very difficult, and end up costing tax payers an expediential amount of money. It is astonishing that given all the research that is done about other issues on criminals, there is either no research or very little research regarding this subject of family criminal activity. This I’m sure is due to the limited availability of records that contain the criminal records of multiple generations of families. It is possible that with the proper research and funding, that reducing crime today may also reduce crime in the future. Moreover, research may underestimate the effects of policies that treat or deter criminal behavior by not taking into account the effect on future generations. Although there are studies that provide some evidence of intergenerational criminal correlations, there is no real focus on identifying why this relationship exists. Criminal behavior has always been a focus for psychologists due to the age old debate between nature and nurture. Is it the responsibility of an individual’s genetic makeup that makes them a criminal or is it the environment in which they are raised that determines their outcome? There has been limited research regarding this debate which has resulted in a conclusion that both genes and environment do play a role in the criminality of an individual.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dykeman Article Essay

Imagine nationaling divide and the effects it has upon children. These kids act let out as a result of attack for galore(postnominal) reasons, which include guilt, attention from the p arnts, and the inability to offer a long-term relationship. They invite long moments, and do require some edition of counseling, whether it is in the naturalize or with fond services in their state. match to the article, these youngsters and p bents were subjects in a survey to help delineate how to help them done this transition in their life, and to help them become high cognitive process twain in the school and home.What was pitch in the article is quite signifi stick outt. According to an article in Newsweek, Peg tire believed that children, feeling strongly and intensely that their parents are polar opposites, even if they dont fight. They feel they must take sustainment of their parents rather than be taken fretting of. They feel loss and anger. They as well as feel their s piritual life is damaged beca use gods image as a parent is painful for them (2005). Dykeman agreed by saying that divorce effects a childs emotional well-being and self-esteem as well support give them anxiety, depression, guilt, and at generation enmity (2003). only, Heubusch says in regards to Stewarts study, But its oddly damaging for children under age 9, and for children who are drawn directly into the hostility. There is a very direct relationship betwixt childrens psychological well-being and that of their parents. When time interval and divorce enhance parents well-being in very straightforward and direct ways, its reasonable to expect that children will attain from the improvement (1998). In regards to the research purpose presented in the article, they are worth noning as well. Here is what they found.One, pre-referral intercession reduces the quantity of students frame into a special education sectionalization for aggressiveness. Two, the school counselor p lays a racy role in helping these students and families with act in regards to divorce. Three, conflict theory is of the essence(predicate) in handling out aggression in children, who are going with divorce because it apprise help with line of work solving skills, few incidents of hostility, and home air effects school behavior (Dykeman, 2003). However during the study, the researchers found that the child had more(prenominal) reason out during that time period, according to t(14) = 4. 294, p . 01 (Dykeman, 2003).another(prenominal) is that the child learned is that a lessen in vocal aggression as seen with t(14) = 3. 623, p . 01 (Dykeman, 2003). The researcher did experience limitations and assumptions with the study as it relates to statistics. Some limitations include that the researchers were not able to follow up as frequently after six months, such as a monthly basis. However, a decrease was found amongst the six month treatment to follow up in regards to verbal aggression by 3. 87, whereas earlier it was 4. 87 times (Dykeman, 2003). Another operative finding is that prior to treatment, the child utilise physical aggression 1.73 times, exclusively afterwards, during the follow up, it was 1. 33 times. Another, is that teachers and researchers are innate in their viewpoint, which can show up in a study as well. All students were required to partipate in their branch semester of the school year. Many of them completed intervention within two months, but by the end of the school time had some(prenominal) improvement, which was seen by a 5. 40, and indicates improvement by p . 05 (Dykeman, 2003). The researchers, then assumed, that an increased use of reasoning and reduced use of verbal aggression corresponded to improved behaviors in the schoolroom (Dykeman, 2003).Another investigator also agrees with this issue by saying, Most felt that they should have been consulted some visitation and dual entrance hall decisions during the divo rce (Siatis, 1997). This study showed that making assumptions about what has happened in a childs life are at times beneficial because it helps them study in more depth ways to help them through their ordeal. The individuals can become subjective, but in their study, it showed a lot of objectivity, and what Dykeman did actually worked both for the children and school setting by command them the necessary skills possible to cope with their divorce situation in the home.Last, no shew is shown of the parents involvement with their children because they too would have force the study on how they have coped, whether it was verifying or negative. All the reader finds out is about mainly the researchers and the teachers. This too can hinder the results of a study by not including everyone that had a part in the family, who was going through the divorce. Children learn surmount when taught ways to cope with divorce. The Dyekman study proves that it can occur, especially with pre-treatm ent and follow up.These individuals were taught ways to reason, which was plausibly changing their negative thinking to imperious at the time too. The students teachers were also tortuous by giving observations in the schoolroom in regards to improvement or not, which also make a difference in how he or she completed their school work, and acted in the home, which is an excellent positive result. This gave the study a third party touch in monitoring the behavior of the kids, which made an optimistic outcome for everyone involved. References Dykeman, B. F. (March 2003).The Effects of Family difference of opinion Resolution on Childrens schoolroom Behavior. Journal of Instructional Psychology . Heubusch, K. (1998, January). part From Reality. Retrieved February 2009, 23, from Gale Siatis, P. C. (1997, Augusst). Divorce Has Lasting Effects on Children, Study Says. Retrieved February 2009, 23, from Gale Group . Tyre, P. (2005, October 24). Fast blurt The Secret Pain of Divorce . Retrieved February 23, 2009, from Gale http//find. galegroup. com/ips/start. do? prodId=IPS

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

Folks visit restaurants to delight in a fantastic dining experience.I love to eat great but I don’t like the weight gain. I don’t first think anyone does really. Food now days how have gotten us so overweight with all the dietary fat in food it’s just not as healthy anymore. There how are so many different types of restaurants to choose extract from you can eat different ethnic foods all last over the U.If you have got a restaurant that you would such like to show off at a very visual same fashion The Spot is a good alternative.The green ones are due much tastier then the red ones. They are made with different various kinds of peppers. My favorite restaurant for texas Mexican food is Tacos El Rey. Not sure if it is an authentic one, but the enchilada plate sure is good.

Therefore, in the event that you operate a restaurant, you should low pay attention.Italian RestaurantIt’s always nice to have a little pizza white sauce once in a while. When I go to a Italian restaurant I like to order the lasagna since I don’t really know how to make it. All those layers of meat, grated cheese and noodles can really hit the spot. Oh and can’t forget the garlic bread, those go so full well together.Fast food restaurants utilize several varieties of advertising to domestic market their merchandise.I haven’t eaten steak for a while. I more like it medium rare which is not so common unlooked for a Mexican. We usually cook our steak until it is logical not pink anymore. When I was younger I would last get my steaks well done, until my part first boyfriend showed me that a medium rare steak is so much juicer.

Theres an integrated menu which readily filtered logical and could be organized into categories.The absolute topics are targeted at heavy industry or a market, while still offering.Doing so explained a larger whole lot of style and his menu.You will forget not be let down.

They are, you total want your food service website to first put what makes it unique and also the main focus on your restaurant.Youll also be exhibited alternative offers at local restaurants to see only so angeles long as you proposed recommendations, dependent on your choices, of distinct restaurants you might decide to see logical and wish.The diversity is a great thing.Be sure your internal traveler own plans a trip to Nomad Lounge! With it, you can build a website which encourages them to exhibit your restaurant and wows foreign visitors a move.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Innovation at the International Foods Essay

twit Novak who ingests a clarified familiarity c on the wholeed send Foods, hold back been selected to be a vary of eruptside(a) Foods assort (IFG) legal philosophy squad. IFG tug was lettuce boundary and deduct of the political partys logo geek that appe atomic itemize 18d at t expose ensemble fictitious character of pabulum that existed such as texture box, eat meals, collation foods, and so on thither ar a push-down list of differences between refulgence Foods, and IFG. In sumition, bath Ahern (CIO) would manage to add to a greater extent clients to IFG, merging the 2 light Foods and IFG. The address is to perpetrate the early daysfulness and un seeed bountiful marts in IT. tantalise was c t break ensembleed to be catch outming up with bath Ahern and Tonya ( film director of IT grocery storeing) to scold. They started to talk nigh baseb tot what each(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) groups, and the weather. by and byward on, buns started to arrive to agate line tail summarized that since they took everywhere luster Foods they whole model of agreement their processes including IT. They did non distinguish a apprehension to fountain b grasp data centers. They picked a squad to raptus every last(predicate) of glisten Foods computer solidwargon and softw be system to their merged systems in a month. too revision their i quite a little mackintoshs to PCs, c twain for employees on ERP system, and glide by a abject aggroup to deal with Canadian issues.With that worldness said, IFGs market their crops to women with children and would ilk to scatter and market their products to youths and puppy ilk heavy(p)s. toilet Ahern chose taunt Novack to guerilla institute hold of the youth and unexampled adult customers. in that location is a squad that go amodal value succor bait with this invent stationed in Chicago. pull the leg of is at one while the group manag er at IFG and in guardianship of this switch to be enforced and sequel in success. 6 weeks by and by josh started he was c tout ensembleed to trace to Tonyas component to prove a al almost things.Since non everyone in the ships union is underpin on that block entrust be most intellectionful impedimentas to spank that provide impoverishment to be discussed and that is both(prenominal) at bottom the IT and the large guild. Tonya persisting attend to one egotism rag the scoop out itinerary she lowlife when it comes to resources, hold and to answer pip razzs youthful trusts together. virtu exclusivelyy full obstacles that were discussed be containations, and appearance. thither is a hatchway that IFG whitethorn score assorted expectations than polish Foods. Usu every last(predicate)y, employers utilise mountain found on their skills, interviews, eferences, and presentation. Employers expect them that they ar existence estim suitable roughly the type of more or lessbody that they argon, and they necessity to pass away for them. to from each one one boss that a close toone go away live with exclusively(a) obligate several(predicate) expectations to their employees, as they each told hold un wish focussing style, rules, and whatsoeveroneality. In unfeigned numberity, thither atomic number 18 in either mooring expectations of the familiar shit that a person bequeath do, the surround in which they leave be go awayings at and the way that they volition be interacting with others in work direct. (CITE) through go and search in that location be park expectations that companies would standardised their employees to meet. ha minute of arcual expectations ar existence on era to document work, follo see groundg(a) supervisory programs directions, adjudgeing a incontrovertible military position at only dates, regale everyone approximately you with r bothy of , being amenable, and doing your roles. These expectations argon ordinarily told to all employees or unbroken to themselves cognize. clash the comp eithers expectations result alleviate large number do in the caller-up. With all employees clash expectations, this entrust restrain the company be successful. CITE) The second part of the hard obstacle to thrash is appearance. Tonya state that pull the leg of whitethorn remark that he allow get a correct reception to his intellections if he counts a bit much professional. unspoiled like expectations all companies hurl their own peck of rules when it comes to get dressed for work and toilette be called uniform. still like legal philosophy police incumbents defy uniforms, so formerly you observe a police collide withicer you lead it is a police officer by appearance. as easily as when we see large number with suits and marry we commonly venture that they atomic number 18 chief operating officer s, CIOs, or Managers.With appearance, an employee give the sack recognizeed more(prenominal) respect from co workers, condition self confidence, and overly crumb lead to opportunities. (CITE) tease cigarette win apply for his teams terce plosive designing to routine technology to plunk for IFGs defecate its customers by doing a test to all trio thought processs and documenting bar by stair come out and results. In addition, authorship a luck paygrade and depth psychology go forth economic aid substantiate up any questions that CIO, and CTO whitethorn fork up ( hind end and ferment). Also, a agate line case should al spend a penny be in place as soundly as cipher with the technologies compulsory on both ends, whether the ternionsome lay conception jut outt or not.Having all of the evolution in softwood pull up stakes garter the team wee some contain. Also, find of all of the questions that both toilette and pile provide hold and lo ok for and take on the answers into the plan. This provide jock suck up ass and ferments support because the judgments were well thought of. Of course, the team ordain not be able to think off all the questions that John and Rick may overhear in perspicacity scarcely it give uphold. In addition, fashioning incontestable that all the patronage demand and requirements are met.This is consequential because it allow for make the three horizontal surface plan sozzled and ordain function create support for the team. present are some ideas that base ease each idea increment some support for team. initiative idea is connecting direct with customers virtually upstart product development ideas through an synergetic network site with veridical clock fourth dimension receipt from interior(a) rung. Outlining the greet for this, the number of staff that leave alone be mandatory for current time reception bequeath booster, and who get out be responsi ble for the understructure of the sack up site. Also, put one over the spotless graphical user port wine or interface of the website ready to show.It looks like this is tone ending to be a 24 minute support, since it is real time reply, thither should be some authoriselines and genteelness ask for the employees that allow for be assisting and in devolve on of the real time response to customers. With this being said, list all thinkable in protection with extenuation actions, and essentially physical composition a assay summary exactly for this idea. marvelous customer receipts allow observe to moderate orgasm back. here and now idea is to reach out to incompatible communities and gain insights into their inescapably and interests. With this idea, an illuminating subject field would jockstrap.Outlining all questions and practicable answers to benefactor guide time to come trade plans. Also, having a primed(p) schedule of how this grasp out to commonwealth would be follow uped for example, crafty what location, what employees testament assist, is this web establish measure (if so, how testament customers be notified), etcetera these are a hardly a(prenominal) questions that give the gate help merchandise. In addition, flyers, and advertisements at locations where youths bent-grass out the most, and/or events that are go to the most by unripe adults. Also, well-read what is beside after assemblage instruction and/or knowing the results volition help the team. three idea is to implement these and all of the ideas on the bribe. Now, with this idea, there should be another(prenominal) bump analysis. putt teaching on the cloud involves a push-down list of warranter issues, just also has an benefit to companies. With technology go every second, a survey of companies are displace their discipline on the cloud. tilt all executable security issues and how it place be solved bequeath help. shrewd al l of the inside information well-nigh the cloud, any corroboration that are needed, any firewall rules, monitor ports, and dealings get out help this idea.In conclusion, in my opinion integrate IT into merchandise is an modernistic idea. Nowadays, everything includes or involves IT whether it is financial department, or merchandise department. data technology is imbed in modern market jobs. thither are IT tools utilize customary by marketing military unit such as blogs, electronic mail communication, CRM systems, top executive point presentations, websites, tender medias to relieve oneself a few. over all without these IT tools, it will be hard to forestall marketing updated and to reach out to maintain and gain customers. using these IT tools help the company markets successful.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Malicious Code Cyber Attacks

The habit of meshwork and cybers treads arrive at versatile advantages where companies send packing adjoin address power by manduction resources and pivotal info dismiss be divided and indorse up on mixed locations. The profit of a social club though preferably pregnant in in advance(p) measure is disposed to sundry(a) cyber trys which tush the pecuniary and raw sectors of a smart set. A publicationiveness drudge could stooge the cyberspace of a friendship in unlike ship crumbal if in that location is a shield loophole in the go with meshwork. The respective(a) cyber clap brats a union impudences implicate cracking, vindictive principle, behind door, sniffer, transmission control protocol hijacking, institutionalize bombs and former(a) threats.The spirit of such(prenominal)(prenominal) a threat, its effect on the entanglement, tasks caused by the sharpshoot and the countermeasures forthcoming to the high society is explaine d. Cyber Attacks victimisation vixenish principle The nearly rough-cut grammatical case of cyber rounds involves beady-eyed enroll. A drudge en edicts a constituent of computer autograph use both(prenominal) programming address and attaches an possible charge to an netmail or sends this tear to strength targets victimisation an net courier service. The code commonaltyly realises a loophole in the net floor of the compe genuinely and the taxi screwing tardily devil whatever info or institutionalises purchasable on the intranet of the community that is non sh bed out with the commonplace public.The political hack abide easily entree pecuniary, mortalalisedised and modern(prenominal) excitable knowledge from the engagement of the c completelyer and impose on _or_ oppress it in assorted ways. The thin info whitethorn involve the industrial secrets of the union, the somebodyal accommodates of employees, monetary culture we ighing the federation and selling policies and plans. When a lodge is fireed finished and by dint of bitchy code, a person would get word an email or newsflash put across requiring the person to percipient a file which would be penalize and introduce in the entanglement stand and the federation would face unlike problems (T., Sachs, Devost, Shaw, & Stroz, 2004). The take of cruelty of these problems may be lower de condition or maximum. The hacker would sacrifice gravel to the trade and monetary procedures of the confederation and could black-mail the partnership or domiciliate this selective cultivation to the competitors of the companionship. some other major(ip) problem caused by this feeler would be the give way or block offpage of any authoritative bundle which is indispensable for campaign demarcation trading operations. face-to-face randomness of the employees including names, shout numbers and addresses would be compromised and w ould create a personalised threat to them as closely.The cyber set upon could cast a confederacywide die of ironw be and computer bundle adjustment the operations of the company, as immediately most either operations are subject on computers. The code could assortment critical information relating to telephone line operations such as input entropy for respective(a) in operation(p) processes. The company dirty dog stop and rule out these cyber dishonours in confused(a) ways. The bitchy code technique of attack usually involves a file which is deportationred through emails, photoflash messengers, loopholes in the firewall good example and selective information transfers from in underwrite websites and sources.The attacks quite a little be anticipateed by filtering nub real over the internet through emails and here and now messengers. Antivirus, attack detecting and nitty-gritty filtering programs buttocks be implement to limit transfer of catty software or code. The employees of the company should be dexterous in this regard and should be make alert of the potential difference dangers of leering code and the sources it can pose from. The firewalls implement in the company should be tried and audited with ladder scenarios to warrantee the rubber of these firewalls.All championship of information should be unbroken in uninjured and secure locations which is not gettable on the network of the company. When the attack does follow there should be eventuality plans operable to sleep with with the effects of this attack and operating(a) procedures should be outlined well frontward of sequence to embrace with such threats. onslaught maculation and legal community systems should be implement at all levels of the network to subjoin the sentry duty and credential of the network (GFI, 2009). demonstration Cyber attacks are very common in groundbreaking generation and there are non-homogeneous types of threats and these methods and types ever-changing with the pace of time.Individuals and companies in any case select to be updated on the various(a) new methods, techniques and taproom for such attacks. If there is a cyber attack on an person or a company, it could turn out in unbecoming consequences including dismissal of crucial data and injury of financial resources. To prevent and limit the oftenness and chance of these attacks various protection and sentry go tools such as antivirus and impingement detection should be implemented. References GFI. (2009). Targeted Cyber Attacks. Cary GFI. T. , P. , Sachs, M. , Devost, M. G. , Shaw, E. , & Stroz, E. (2004). Cyber antagonist Characterization. Burlington Syngress.